December 1999
Tips on where, when and what to listen to.
Compiled and edited by
Sheldon Harvey
President, Canadian International DX Club
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The following is a listing of various shortwave stations, services and frequencies which will help you to follow the arrival of New Year 2000 as it makes it way around our planet.
There are also some tips on monitoring local services in your city or town, using your scanner. Police, fire departments, ambulances, public works, civil defense, amateur radio; all could become very active with events developing as the New Year approaches.
I have included shortwave broadcast stations in several languages, from numerous countries, beginning with the arrival of New Year in New Zealand at 1100 UTC, December 31 (6 AM Eastern Time, December 31) and then following New Year around the planet in each of the time zones. There is no guarantee that all of the suggested signals will be heard, but the stations listed have the best chances of being heard at the specified times. I would recommend tuning in to the indicated frequencies and stations a few minutes before the top of each hour to catch the sign-on of the services.
Following the shortwave broadcast stations, you will find a selection of various utility services on shortwave, including aeronautical services, military services (coast guard, air force, national guard, etc.), plus other emergency services and stations which should make for interesting listening as Y2K and the New Year arrives.
Enjoy listening and feel free to get back to me with your observations and loggings, by e-mail at
Best wishes for the Holiday season and all the best for the New Year 2000.
Sheldon Harvey
President, Canadian Int. DX Club
Owner, Radio H.F.
Greenfield Park, Quebec, CANADA
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(Usually AM voice)
This list of stations and frequencies are your best chances to monitor throughout the day on December 31, 1999, as the New Year 2000 reaches the various times zones of the world. The majority of these services are for North America, and in English, unless otherwise noted. We begin with 1100 UTC, 6 AM Eastern Standard Time, when New Zealand, Tonga, Fiji and far eastern Russia will be the first to welcome in 2000. All times listed are in UTC and all frequencies are in kiloHertz.
1100 UTC Radio New Zealand, 17675 kHz; check also 6105 or 6145 as possibilities 1300 UTC Radio Australia 5995, 6020, 9580, 11650 1400 UTC Radio Australia as above 1500 UTC Radio Japan 9505 kHz 1600 UTC Voice of Russia 9470, 11675, 11775, 15490 1700 UTC Voice of Russia as above and 9560 kHz 1800 UTC Voice of Russia as above and 7305, 7340, 9765, 9775, 9890 kHz 1900 UTC Voice of Russia as above and 12070 kHz 2000 UTC UAE Radio Dubai 13675 (Arabic) 2100 UTC Voice of Iran 15084 kHz (Farsi) Radio Kuwait 9855 (Arabic) 2200 UTC Radio Sofia, Bulgaria 7535, 7545 kHz Radio Cairo, Egypt 9900 kHz Voice of Turkey 9445, 9460 (Turkish) Voice of Greece 9395, 11595 (Greek) 2300 UTC Radio Austria Int. 5945, 6155, 9870 (German & English) Radio Prague, Czech Rep 7345, 9435 RAI Italy 6010, 9675, 11800 (Italian) R. France Intern'l 9715, 9790 (French) Voice of Germany 6100, 9545, 9730 (German) Radio Exterior, Spain 9540, 9630 (Spanish) Vatican Radio 5880 (Italian) 0000 UTC BBC World Service 5975, 6175, 9590 0100 UTC Brazilian stations between 4750 & 5100 kHz 0200 UTC Brazilian stations between 4750 & 5100 kHz 0300 UTC CKZU St. John's, Newfoundland on 6160 kHz 0400 UTC CHNX Halifax, NS on 6130 kHz Radio Villa, Dominican Rep 4960 (Spanish) Ecos del Torbes, Venezuela 4980 (Spanish) 0500 UTC R. Havana Cuba 9820, 9830 kHz Voice of the Andes, Ecuador 9745, 12015 WWCR Nashville, TN 5070 kHz WBCQ Monticello, ME 7415 kHz Voice of America 7170, 7295, 9700 0600 UTC Radio For Peace, Costa Rica 6975, 15050 R. Mexico Int'l 9705 (Spanish)
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(Upper Sideband [USB] voice channels)
3311 kHz U.S. Air Force Calling Frequency 4041 Navy/Marine Emergency Frequency 4585 Civil Air Patrol Command and Control 4590 Air Force Calling Frequency 5203 North Carolina National Guard 5211 Federal Emergency Management Agency 5755 Federal Agencies' Emergency Command 6826 US Army MARS (Military Affil. Radio) 6870 Federal Aviation Admin. Command 6999 US Army Emergency 7302 USAF MARS Emergency Net 7635 Civil Air Patrol Alternate Command 7743 Federal Agencies' Command/Control Net 8125 FAA Regional Command and Control Net 10493 FEMA Command and Control Net 11045 Federal Agencies' Command/Control Net 13457 FAA Regional Command/Control Alternate
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(USB voice)
3032 kHz Night-time Primary Net 4442 Night-time Operations 4445 Night-time Operations 4520 Night-time Operations 5202 Night-time Operations 5203.5 Night-time Alternate Net 6766 Evening Primary Operations 6910 Evening Operations 7648.5 Evening Operations 8061.5 (in LSB) Day time Operations 8093 Day time Primary Operations 9121 Day time Operations 10796 Day-time Operations 12168.5 Day-time Operations
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(USB voice)
5236 kHz Voice Primary Night Channel 1 14396.5 Voice Primary Day Channel 2
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(USB voice)
5696 kHz U.S. Primary Night Frequency 5717 Canadian Primary Frequency 8983 U.S. Primary Day Frequency
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(USB voice)
USAF Bases such as Andrews, Edwards, McClellan, Offutt, Ascension, Hickam, Thule, Elmendorf, etc. with worldwide phone patches, Emergency Action Messages, general traffic, etc.
4742, 6712, 6739, 8992, 11175, 11244, 13200, 15016 kHz.
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(USB voice)
There has been a lot of talk and concern about potential problems with aircraft, air traffic control and communications. The following are the major international air traffic control routes, cities and frequencies which are normally heard well throughout North America.
North Atlantic A Route
includes Canary Islands, Gander, New York Paramaribo, Piarco, Santa Maria & Shanwick
30126, 5598, 8906, 13306, 17946 kHz.
North Atlantic B Route
includes Gander, Reykjavik, New York, Santa Maria & Shanwick
2899, 5616, 8864, 13291, 17946 kHz.
North Atlantic C Route
includes Gander, Reykjavik & Shanwick
2862, 5649, 8879, 13306, 17946 kHz.
North Atlantic D Route
includes Bodo, Cambridge Bay, Churchill, Iqaluit, Gander, Reykjavik & Sondrestrom
2971, 4675, 8891, 11279, 13291, 17946 kHz.
North Atlantic E Route
includes New York and Santa Maria
2962, 6628, 8825, 11309, 13354 kHz.
North Atlantic F Route
includes Gander and Shanwick
3476, 6622, 8831, 11336, 13291 kHz.
Caribbean A Route
includes Barranquilla, Boyeros, Guatemala City, Meridia, New York, Panama, Piarco, San Andres, San Jose, Tegucigalpa
2887, 5550, 6577, 8918, 11396, 13297, 17907 kHz.
Caribbean B Route
includes Barranquilla, Boyeros, Cayenne, Georgetown, Maiquetia, New York, Panama, Paramaribo, Piarco, San Andres
3455, 5520, 6586, 8846, 11330, 17907 kHz.
Africa 1 Route
includes, Abidjan, Bamako, Bangui, Bissau, Bobo dioulasso, Bouake, Casablanca, Conakry, Canaris, Dakar, Freetown, Kano, Niamey, Nouadhibou, Nouakchott, Ouagadougou, Roberts
3452, 6535, 8861, 13357, 17955 kHz.
Africa 2 Route
includes Algiers, Brazzaville, Kano, Gao, Niamey, N'djamena, Tamanrasset, Timimoun, Tripoli, Tunis
3419, 5652, 8894, 13273, 17961 kHz.
Africa 3 Route
includes Addis Ababa, Aden, Asmara, Bahrain, Benghazi, Bombay, Bujumbura, Cairo, Comoros, Dar es Salaam, Entebbe, Hargesia, Djibouti, Jeddah, Khartoum, Kigali, Kisimayu, Male, Mogadishu, Nairobi, N'djamena, Sana'a, Seychelles, Tripoli
3467, 5658, 10018, 11300, 13288, 17961 kHz.
Africa 4 Route
includes Accra, Bangui, Brazzaville, Bulawayo, Cotonou, Douala, Entebbe, Franceville, Garoua, Goma, Johannesburg, Kano, Kinshasa, Kisangani, Lagos, Libreville, Lome, Luanda, Lumbumbashi, Lusaka, Maroua, Maseur, Nairobi, N'djamena, N'djili, Niamey, Niamtougou, Port Gentil, Roberts, Salisbury, Salazar, Seychelles, Windhoek, Yaounde
2878, 5493, 8903, 13294, 17961 kHz.
Central East Pacific 1 & 2 Routes
includes Honolulu and San Francisco
2869, 3413, 5547, 5574, 8843, 11282, 13261 kHz.
North Pacific 2 & 4 Routes
includes Honolulu, San Francisco & Tokyo
Note: San Francisco covers Anchorage
2932, 5628, 5677, 6665, 8915, 10048, 13294, 13339 kHz.
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(USB voice)
3047.0 CFH: Halifax Military 4560.0 CFH: Halifax Military; CJX: St Johns Military (Maritime Command) 4700.0 CFH: Halifax Military 4739.0 CFH: Halifax Military; CJX: St Johns Military 5198.5 CFH: Halifax Military (Maritime Command) 5684.0 CJX: St Johns Military 5694.0 CFH: Halifax Military; CJX: St Johns Military 5702.0 CJU: Vancouver Military 5717.0 CFH: Halifax Military; CJU: Vancouver Military; CJX: St Johns Military 5850.0 CZW: Halifax Maritime Air Group 6694.0 CFH: Halifax Military; CJU: Vancouver Military 6706.0 CHR: Trenton Military (working NATO aircraft) 6715.0 CHR: Trenton Military; CFH: Halifax Military; CJU: Vancouver Military 6736.0 CFH: Halifax Military (OR Chg?) 6745.0 CHR: Trenton Military 6751.0 SIDECAR (NORAD) CFH: Halifax Military; CJU: Vancouver 6754.0 CHR: Trenton Military; CJU: Vancouver Military; CJX: St Johns Military (VOLMET) 8110.0 CFH: Halifax Military 8989.0 CHR: Trenton Military 9007.0 CHR: Trenton Military; CFH: Halifax Military; VXA: Edmonton Military 9023.0 CHR: Trenton Military (NORAD) 9027.0 CFH: Halifax Military 11214.0 CHR: Trenton Military (NORAD) 11232.0 CHR: Trenton Military; CFH: Halifax Military; CJX: St Johns Military; VXA: Edmonton Military 11249.0 CFH: Halifax Military 11265.0 CHR: Trenton Military (working MAGIC aircraft) 13257.0 CHR: Trenton Military 15031.0 CHR: Trenton Military 15034.0 VXA: Edmonton Military (VOLMET) 17994.0 CHR: Trenton Military 18012.0 CHR: Trenton Military 18027.0 CFH: Halifax Military; VXA: Edmonton Military
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(Usually USB voice, possibly LSB)
CFARS is the Canadian Forces Affiliate Radio System. CFARS stations are located at various United Nations peace-keeping operations around the world & operate amateur radio equipment that provides phone patches for service personnel to their families. They are also to be found on Navy and Coast Guard ships.
Alpha 6978.5 Bravo 14386.0 Charlie 14460.0 Delta 14463.0 Echo 14446.5 Foxtrot 20971.5 Golf 20963.5 Hotel 29715.0 Juliet 14454.0 Kilo 14449.5 Lima 20977.5 Mike 13954.0 Whiskey 6982.5 X-ray 6962.5 Yankee 4052.5 Zulu 4023.5
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(USB voice)
You might like to tune throughout the various commercial maritime bands. Ships and other vessels at sea will be placing phone calls to friends and family around the planet via coastal radio service stations. This can make for some very interesting and emotional listening. Tune through the following frequency ranges:
4351 to 4435 kHz 6501 to 6522 kHz 8707 to 8812 kHz 12230 to 12350 kHz 13077 to 13197 kHz 17242 to 17407 kHz 19755 to 19797 kHz 22696 to 22852 kHz
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(Usually NFM [Narrow FM])
For any of you with radio scanners, there will most certainly be interesting listening available on the various public service frequencies in your city or town, given the New Years Eve partying, plus any special problems which might arise from Y2K related difficulties. In many communities, police, fire, ambulance, civil defense, public works, utilities, and other services will be on stand-by for any problems which might arise.
Amateur radio operators are also on stand-by, as backup for regular communications systems. Amateur clubs and emergency response groups are ready to mobilize, to assist the authorities with communications should the need arise.
Scanning the public service bands on your scanner will keep you abreast of any developments in your community as they happen. Simply program in all the local law enforcement, emergency services, fire, utility and amateur radio repeater frequencies in your area to monitor the developments first hand.
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CIDX Messenger, Monitoring Times Magazine, Worldwide Utility News, Passport to World Band Radio, World Radio TV Handbook, Klingenfuss Guide to Utility Stations, Worldwide Aeronautical Communications Frequency Directory.
The Canadian International DX Club is Canada's national radio monitoring club, serving radio enthusiasts worldwide since 1962, with headquarters in the Montreal region. Please visit our club website (/cidx/) for more information [right here! --Ed.].
If you have any questions regarding this document, or questions about the Canadian International DX Club, please contact me:
Sheldon Harvey
President, Canadian Int. DX Club
Telephone: +1 450 671-3773
Facsimile: +1 450 671-3773
Copyright © 1999 Sheldon Harvey and Canadian International DX Club, all rights reserved.
Last modified, 1700 UTC, 24 December 1999.